

Another terrific-looking Recomendo recommendation: Burner Mail lets you create email addresses on the fly, so you can have a fresh address for each service or newsletter you sign up for. If you start getting spammed at that address or just have trouble unsubscribing, you can flip a switch and the address stops working. As Hey has shown recently, there’s a lot of room for Email improvements.

Burner Mail has a lot of features for $35 per year and works with whatever email service you use behind the scenes. That said, a still-little-known tip is that you can add +foo to your email address with most email providers, so you can still get some of Burner Mail’s functionality already. Just sign up everywhere using youraddress+thatsite@emaillhost.com and you can use Email filters to control what happens with messages to that address. I’m sure many people collecting and doing analytics based on email know this trick, though, so if you’re angling for better privacy, Burner Mail is the way to go.