
Notes for the week of 2021-08-16

How to avoid confusing explanations

Julia Evans, who is a great explainer, has written a post about patterns she’s noticed in explanations she finds confusing. She goes on to clearly explain this set of patterns.

The debate on a third shot

Andy Slavitt breaks down the issues of a third COVID-19 shot.

What we know about vaccine effectiveness against Delta

Vox has an article breaking down new data released by the CDC that shows the vaccines are still highly effective at preventing hospitalization from COVID-19.

Recently, it was reported that there were more vaccinated people in the hospital in Israel than unvaccinated people. Does that mean the COVID-19 vaccines don’t work? No, and this article explains the math behind this.

A simple FAQ to clear up myths around addressing climate change

I like the simple answers in this article by BF Nagy that looks to clear up myths around Climate Change solutions.

Better forms for free

Tally provides featureful web forms (moreso than Google Forms) with almost all features for free. This looks like a powerful product with an uncommonly good free tier. Found via Jane Friedman’s Electric Speed newsletter.

Untools: tools for better thinking

Untools provides frameworks to help with problem solving and decision making. Examples include Ishikawa Diagram, Cynefin Framework, Eisenhower Matrix.